How to reach us?
Our GPS coordinates: latitude 46.482300, longitude 13.780659
If you come from the direction of Jesenice, turn left at the first crossroads in Kranjska Gora, then drive in the direction of Vršič, past the casino. efore you reach Hotel Best western, turn right into the village and then turn left at the first crossroads (there’s a slight rise in the road). Drive for another 100 metres. The hotel is on your left.
If you come from the direction of Rateče, from Italy or Austria, turn right at the first crossroads for Kranjska Gora. Drive through the centre of the village, and before you reach Rožle Apartments, turn right (there’s a slight rise in the road). Drive for another 100 metres. The hotel is on your left. Road signs will direct you to the hotel.
We are happy to arrange transfers to the hotel with the help of an external transport provider from the destinations mentioned below, just let us know the time of arrival and information about your flight, train…
12 minutes walk, 850 m.
Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport: 65 km, 50 minutes by car
Klagenfurt Airport (AUT): 65 km, 55 minutes by car
Trieste Airport (Ronki ITA): 151 km, 110 minutes by car
Treviso Airport or Venice Marco Polo Airport (ITA): 225 km, 160 minutes by car
Zagreb Airport (HRV): 241 km, 215 minutes by car
Jesenice: 25 km, 25 minutes by car
Villach (AUT): 25 km, 35 minutes by car
Tarvisio (ITA, Boscoverde): 16 km, 25 minutes by car